You can do this directly from Google Tag Manager. Edit the Universal Analytics Tag, open More Settings, and fill in the two fields as follows:
How to anonymize IP in Google Tag Manager
Don’t worry. So the statistics about the geographical area will still be cambodia phone number data valid, just slightly more general.
So, make sure that:
ask for user consent through checkboxes or double-check emails when collecting personal datayou can provide each user’s data upon request
you can delete information on demand
you don’t track the IP address
Transparency in terms and conditions
The terms and conditions page has now become mandatory. Your website’s terms and conditions must clearly state who you are, what data you collect, and why you collect that data.
Furthermore, The information on this application of varnishes on metal page about data protection must be explained in a simple manner. Understandable to everyone, without using specialized terms (jargon).
But also indirect ones. For example, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and various other marketing platforms collect data about users. Mention this in your terms and conditions. Many platforms have special pages where you can send users to learn more.
Warning CTAAre you struggling to implement GDPR on your website yourself?
I can help you. Contact me .
All of these agreements with third parties you fresh list work with should be stored in a file. These can usually be downloaded from their websites.