Varnishes are applied to stainless steel. Cast iron, aluminum, copper parts. The type of varnish is selected taking into account the type of work: internal or external, drying time. There are universal varnishes that are suitable for both types of work. Acrylic varnishes are used to treat bc data philippines containers, tank surfaces, vessels for oil fractions, alcohols, and alkalis. Equipment at technological enterprises, metal floors, large metal parts that cannot be allowed to rust are varnished. All varnishes protect surfaces, this is their main purpose. Many varnishes perform a decorative function because they form matte or glossy coatings, while retaining their properties for a long time.
“Varnish for metal”.
Metal is a fairly durable material, many products and adapt to event needs are made from it, it is impossible to list everything. But even it needs protection, because under the influence of an external aggressive environment, a destructive process of corrosion begins in the metal. The modern market offers us a lot of protective coatings for metal, including metal varnish. Therefore, let’s talk about metal varnishes, their purpose, quality, types and functions.
Metal varnishes are differentiated by composition, purpose, application method and use. The first and most important purpose of metal varnish is protection against corrosion and extension of service life of metal products in different operating environments. By the way, before considering the variety of these materials, one important feature of all varnishes should be noted: they can be applied to paint italy numbers metal. That is, if the metal surface was previously painted with paint, it can be varnished without preliminary preparation.=
Types of varnishes for metal.
Bitumen varnish for metal. This is a relatively new type of varnish mixtures, produced on the basis of bitumen and polymer resins, which are mixed with organic additives and solvents. This material has excellent performance properties and has many positive qualities.