Lance Yamamoto Office Manager
contact name: Lance Yamamoto
contact job function details:
contact job function: Photographer
contact job title: Office Manager
contact job seniority: office photo editor photographer
contact person city: manager
contact person state: Oakland
contact person country: California
contact person zip code: United States
business name:
business domain: Oakland Magazine
business facebook URL: (510) 238-9101
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
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business angellist:
business found year:
business city: 2004
business zip code: Oakland
business state:
business country: California
business language: 12
business employee: United States
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business category: English
business specialty: publishing
business technology: marketing & communication to oakland residents, publishing
business description: zoho_email,amazon_aws,itunes,youtube,facebook_login,google_font_api,doubleclick,google_analytics,quantcast,bootstrap_framework,mobile_friendly,addthis,php_5_3,nginx,facebook_widget,google_adsense